LUPA Sample Txs Tracks
Cufflinks transcripts derived from LUPA Sample Set tracks

Display mode:   

Cerebellum Txs  Cerebellum polyA Transcripts  
Pancreas Txs  Pancreas polyA Transcripts  
Spleen Txs  Spleen polyA Transcripts  
Olfactory Bulb Txs  Olfactory Bulb polyA Transcripts  
Spinal Cord Txs  Spinal Cord polyA Transcripts  
Adrenal Gland Txs  Adrenal Gland polyA Transcripts  
Retina Txs  Retina polyA Transcripts  
Mammary Gland Txs  Mammary Gland polyA Transcripts  
Colon Txs  Colon polyA Transcripts  
Keratinocytes Txs  Keratinocytes polyA Transcripts  
Skin Txs  Skin polyA Transcripts  
Thymus Txs  Thymus polyA Transcripts  
Jejunum Txs  Jejunum polyA Transcripts  
Assembly: Dog Sep. 2011 (Broad CanFam3.1/canFam3)

Cufflinks Transcripts from RNA-Seq from LUPA Consortium Samples

This track contains all of the raw Cufflinks assembled transcripts for each RNA-Seq library generated by the Broad Institute using RNA-Seq data derived from samples from several member labs of the LUPA Consortium. These data will be used in a FUTURE annotation process,and were NOT part of the annotation process described in Hoeppner et. al.

This design provides a source of new tissues that will be of high interest to catalog more specifically long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that are highly tissue specific and are known to play a major roles in genetic diseases and cancer.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Tracks are tissue specific. Poly-A selected libraries were generated accross 13 tissue types


The sequences were aligned via TopHat and transcripts were assembled assembled via the Cufflinks RNA-Seq assembly software. See Hoeppner et. al. 1 for more detailed methods for TopHat and Cufflinks assembly processes. .


Sample collection was coordinated by Drs. Veronique Duranthon & Christophe Hitte of the University of Rennes, France. RNA-Seq data was generated at the Broad Institute. Cufflinks assemblies were generated by Jason Turner-Maier at the Broad Institute. Dr. Kerstin Lindblad-Toh of the Broad Institute and the SciLifeLab of Uppsala University provided scientific management for the project.


Hoeppner et. al., An improved canine genome and a comprehensive catalogue of coding genes and non-coding transcripts. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91172. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091172.


For questions or more information on the data in this Track Hub, please contact the Broad Institute Vertebrate Genome Biology g roup: